Sunday 1 July 2012


 This is the little town of Kruje; we found it accidentally as we were looking for a place that sold furniture for kindergartens! The town is built into the side of a hill. It has a castle and lovely views right out to the coast. It is one of the few 'touristy' places in Albania, but still very quaint and well worth a visit.
                              Dave found a bear to wrestle (in a restaurant)!
 When I said 'touristy' I meant that there were little stores that sold souvenirs, where you can see women weaving rugs etc. Otherwise, life goes on as normal and you never know what you're going to meet as you walk down the street............
Sheep tied to a lampost!!

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing to see another part of the world, and realize the great needs that exist, that we don't even know about. You are doing so much good!

    Dennis and Donna
