Sunday 5 February 2012

Out and about in Tirana

Here is our local police station. Dave gets saluted every time  he passes! Because he has the title 'Plaku' he gets respect!  ps  Plaku=old man.
 This is a common scene, older men gather together outdoors for games of chess, backgammon and dominoes.We see them everyday on the pavement or in the squares. 
 This is the wiring for these apartments, (ours is a little better than this). There are no poles or pylons, the wires are attached wherever.
                                                      Electricians required!!!
Ola supporting local economy
These two teddies look so innocent hanging out to dry???......then we noticed teddies everywhere.......
stuck onto fences, tied to garden posts, attached to flagpoles, on half-finished buildings, in people's doorways??? Why, we asked, and were told that the teddy is there to ward off the 'evil eye', the teddy becomes the focus of the evil eye and so misfortune or bad luck is directed away from the  property.
Albanian language is extremely difficult to learn and we had no  training before we arrived. Here is Dave studying Albanian verbs.
Talking to a friend; no Albanian needed.


  1. I actually thought that was Dad sat with the old men in the square at first! :)

    1. No, but he did buy a chess set when we went to Greece!
