Saturday 31 December 2011

Was walking innocently down the street and saw what we thought  was a rotissereie of chickens!! Sheep's heads are very popular in Albania. Dave says the eyes are left in so they can see you through the week!!!


  1. Is that chicken above the goats head.

  2. Sounds just like you Dave! I didn't know you were serving a mission until my mum/dad sent me your letter and blog address. CONGRATS and goodluck to you. I know you will be the best missionaries! The only word I know in Albanian (only because I have a great Albanian friend from College is "Sagapo" meaning "I love you" which is what I say to you both! xoxoxox Oh, and make sure you don't just stick to eating sheeps heads...try the spinikopita...spinach pies...we LOVE eating those and my mom made them for us all the time growing up because she learned how to from when they were stationed in Athens. Enjoy! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    Charise Cooley
